Carbon-negative Hemp Insulation Manufacturing Facility in Ukraine

This technology is highly scalable and the next facility can be set up in another region. This material is very well tested and certified and is ready to be used to insulate new or existing houses and buildings to provide extremely energy-efficient insulation.

Carbon-negative Hemp Insulation Manufacturing Facility in Ukraine
Zhytomir region, Ukraine
Carbon-negative Hemp Insulation Manufacturing Facility in Ukraine

Project details

Ukraine has been ripped apart by war in the last 10years. Thousands of bridges, roads, buildings, and most importantly, homes havebeen destroyed. According to UN statistics close to 8 million   Ukrainians have been displaced leavingeverything behind due to Russian invasion. These people are in urgent need ofnew housing, but not just a regular houses built out of concrete, styrofoam orrock wool that will  start falling apartin 15-20 years. But houses that these refugees can call their new homes,meaning they would be built using  local,natural, sustainable materials like hemp.

Ukraine has a rich history cultivating industrialhemp. For example, Institute of Bast Fiber is over 90 years old. Ourcompany  Hempire has been workingtirelessly to provide market with hemp-based 100% - natural insulation productsfor the last 8 years, Now our company has successfully built many homes usinghemplime (hempcrete) technology and is ready to scale up its operations. Theidea is to build a facility that would be manufacturing carbon-negativehemplime blocks and insulation panels. Such equipment will be almost fullyautomatic needing only 8-10 people to run an entirely facility. 1500 homes canbe insulated yearly using products from this facility. This technology ishighly scalable and next facility can be set up in another region. Thismaterial is very well tested and certified and is ready to be used to insulatenew or an existing houses and buildings to provide an extremely energyefficient insulation.

Advantages of thisproduct:

  • Humidity regulation
  • Energy efficient
  • 100% natural and Ukrainian
  • Carbon Negative!
  • Fire Resistant
  • Mold and pest Resistant

Brief Market Overview

IAccording to the Kyiv School of Economics, the direct damageto Ukraine's infrastructure caused by Russia's full-scale invasion exceeded $150billion. Almost $56 billion of this amount is the loss of housing stock.

Ukraine, there are almost 160 thousand buildings andstructures destroyed due to Russian aggression, about 20 thousand of them aremulti-storey buildings. Most of them are residential buildings.

These data were provided by the Director of the StateResearch Institute of Building Structures, Doctor of Technical Sciences,Professor Hennadii Farieniuk.

There is a massive demand to build new homes in Ukraine so erectingfacilities to manufacture hemp-based insulation and construction materials willhave a big positive  economic, social andenvironmental impact on Ukraine.

Company Owner Overview

Hempire has been founded by Sergiy Kovalenkov in 2015.The company has developed its own 100% natural binders for hemp based insulationproducts and has been successfully implementing its carbon-negative solutionsnot just across Ukraine, but overseas as well. USA is one of the countrieswhere Hempire has started to manufacture its’ products. Over the years thecompany has received numerous international awards for its innovations duringgreen tech and sustainability contests and forums. The company is planning tobecome a major Ukrainian hub for hemp-based housing solutions in near future.Right now Hempire is partnering up with one of Canadian native entities tostart building sustainable energy efficient houses for Native people of Canada.