Construction of a plant for the production of reagents for water treatment

The purpose of the Project is to solve the global problem of Ukraine associated with the influx of excess phosphorus into surface water bodies, which leads to the process of eutrophication (avalanche-like growth of blue-green algae).

Construction of a plant for the production of reagents for water treatment
Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Construction of a plant for the production of reagents for water treatment

Project details

  • The purpose of the Project is to solve the global problem of Ukraine associated with the influx of excess phosphorus into surface water bodies, which leads to the process of eutrophication (avalanche-like growth of blue-green algae).
  • Ferric chloride is an effective primary reagent (coagulant) based on ferric iron (Fe3+). Ferric chloride is used in the preparation of drinking water, in the purification of household (sewer) and industrial wastewater.
  • Existing wastewater treatment plants in Ukraine (with rare exceptions) do not use chemical treatment of phosphorus and other associated pollutants.
  • On the territory of Ukraine there are no plants for the production of a similar type of product.
  • The nearest competitive production facilities are located in Romania (Kemcristal), Hungary (Donau Chemie), Poland (Kemipol).
  • The key market for the planned products are municipal, industrial and agricultural enterprises of Ukraine.
  • The proposed construction location is Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi region, 50 km from the border with Romania.

Advantages of the project

  • The plant will need at least 30 jobs with highly qualified workers.
  • It will be ensured that the products necessary for the introduction of CEPT technology (Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment) for the removal of suspended solids, various organic pollutants, hydrogen sulfide and phosphates to the stage of biological treatment will be brought to the Ukrainian market, which will effectively prevent the processes of eutrophication of water bodies.
  • Performance of the indicators of the European standard COUNCIL DIRECTIVE concerning urban waste water treatment (91/271/EEC) will be guaranteed, which obliges all wastewater treatment plants to ensure the required level of degree of purification before discharge into surface water bodies.

Brief market overview

The main potential users belong to the category of municipal facilities (the so-called "sewage"), due to the fact that it is the enterprises of this category that receive wastewater from the population and enterprises of various types of activity, and after, most often, only biological treatment, they are discharged treated wastewater into surface water bodies.

The entry into force of the Agreement on the Association of Ukraine and the EU ("Agreement"), dated September 1, 2017, led to increased requirements for environmental standards and norms in Ukraine, in particular in the sector of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.

As part of the Agreement, Ukraine undertook the following obligations:

implementation of EC environmental standards at the legislative level;

  • creation of centralized water treatment and water treatment systems in all settlements with more than 2,000 inhabitants;
  • introduction of tertiary wastewater treatment from nitrogen and phosphorus compounds;
  • reconstruction of water and sewage networks;
  • replacement of existing equipment of water treatment and water treatment systems;
  • reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants;
  • greenfield construction of wastewater treatment plants at industrial enterprises of Ukraine.

The indicated trends and processes represent a significant platform for the creation and maintenance of sustainable growth of the iron chloride market in Ukraine.

The marketing analysis shows (see Table 1) that 70% of sales will be made to enterprises of the municipal sector, 30% - to enterprises of the industrial and agricultural sector.