Premium Directional drilling services

UNGS LTD Premium Directional services with Vibration tools and RSS will be used in high torque, high inclination, and extensive well-profile environments where capabilities of standard conventional BHA are limited.

Premium Directional drilling services

Project details


2. Name of the project: Premium Directional drilling services

3. Investment Project description:

a. Location: Dnepr-Donetsk Basin / Central Ukraine and Carpathian Region

b. Total investment amount: Estimated 10 MUSD included RSS systems, Vibration Tools, 0-Bypass Downhole Motors, Jars and Handling tools

c. Payback Period: 5 to 6 yearsd. Project Implementation period: Due high demand and lack of tools availability project can bemoved within 3–4 month time from implementation to a direct execution stage.

4. Brief description of the project/ technology / other specs: UNGS LTD Premium Directional serviceswith Vibration tools and RSS will be used in high torque, high inclination and extensive well profileenvironments where capabilities of standard conventional BHA are limited. Stage 1 Vibration toolsin 5 ½” and 6 5/8” sizes for conventional BHA’s. By using vibration tools, the conventional directionalBHA improve the DD Behavior and Steerability. Stage 2 is the next level where conventional withvibration fails. The RSS rotary steerable systems for 12 ¼” and 8 ½” open holes sizes decrease theNPT Non-Productive Time, increase the ROP Rate of Penetration with excellent directional respondand achieve the required geological targets.

5. Advantages of the project: High demand and a lack of available tools on the market. So direct projectexecution after tool delivery. UNGS with 10 years on Ukrainian market with a Name which stands forQuality Western tools as Baker, Bench tree, Wenzel. Healthy and strong infrastructure and welltrained personnel in country. Which all leads to a short implementation time, direct execution and cashflow.

6. Brief market overview: Around 60 heavy drilling rigs (450 t +) running. There of 43 NOC and 17rigs with private companies. 55% of rig count western type rigs. Others old type Uralmasch withwestern modifications with pumps, motors & mud system. Total Directional drilling market estimatedwith 65 MUSD.

7. Company owner overview: Two shareholders a Ukrainian and a German citizen. Both are activeand held the position of general - and technical director of the company for 10 years. Both also ex.Halliburton employees with field, technology, business development and management experience andskills.8. Company Contact Information: UNGS LTD, 3 Shevchenko Street, Poltava, 36011, Ukraine.Homepage: