Hon. Wayne Easter

Chair of the Atlantic Beef Plant Inc., President, Razom

Hon. Wayne Easter
Hon. Wayne Easter
Hon. Wayne Easter

Chair of the Atlantic Beef Plant Inc., President, Razom


Hon Wayne Easter has been involved in public life for most of his life.

Currently, Wayne is interim Chair of the Atlantic Beef Plant Inc., the only federally inspected beef processing plant in Atlantic Canada. He, along with three partners, established RAZOM Invest Canada Inc. to operate as a Canadian catalyst for Ukraine. Such an effort has required him to travel to Ukraine to work with Ukrainian partners in crop enterprises in Ukraine.

Wayne represented the riding of Malpeque, PEI, as the Member of Parliament for 28 years. Before retiring in 2021, he served as chair of the Finance Committee for 6 years, holding pre budget consultations across Canada for six budgets and presenting some 37 Reports to Parliament. As Co chair of the Canada US Interparliamentary Group since 2015, he led several delegations to the US at both State and Federal levels on issues important to Canada and with his American counterpart, Co chaired several joint annual sessions on issues critical to both countries.

From 2006 to 2014, Easter served in several critic roles as critic for Agriculture and Agrifood and the Canadian Wheat Board, International trade, as well as Public Safety. He served on several International Parliamentary Association and Friendship groups during his time as an MP and attended or led delegations to countries all over the world.

From 1993 to 2005, Easter held many roles In Parliament. Including Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans, chair the Fisheries Committee., and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agrifood. He was honored to serve in the Jean Chretien Cabinet as the Solicitor General of Canada in 2002/2003.

Prior to entering politics. Wayne operated a dairy, hog and grain farm, and was actively involved in the farm movement in several leadership capacities and served as National President of the National Farmers Union for 10 years. In 1988, he participated as the Canadian delegate in the European Community Visitors Program (month long study tour in the European Economic Community) which gave him a good understanding of the workings in western Europe.

Easter is a graduate of Nova Scotia Agriculture College [1970] and holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree granted from UPEI, in 1988.
