Lesia Babiak

Head of Johnson & Johnson’s Government Affairs & Policy (GA&P) for Canada.

Lesia Babiak
Lesia Babiak
Lesia Babiak

Head of Johnson & Johnson’s Government Affairs & Policy (GA&P) for Canada.


Dr. Lesia M. Babiak is the head of Johnson & Johnson’s Government Affairs& Policy (GA&P) for Canada.  Inher role she is responsible for overseeing the J&J GA&P Canada Team andthe J&J Canada’s government strategy, relationships, and interactions, onbehalf of the six J&J businesses in Canada. Lesia also chairs the J&JCanada’s Government Affairs Council, which has representation from each of thebusiness units and is responsible for coordinating all government relatedactivity.  

Lesia has been with J&J since 2000 and has been active ona number of committees and Management Boards including LifeScan Canada Inc.,the BIOTECanada Health Advisory Board as well as various industry associationcommittees for IMC and Medtech. Lesia currently Co Chairs, the Life SciencesCouncil for the Chamber of Commerce and Chairs the Life Sciences Council forAmCham Canada.  Lesia is an electedmember of the  Canadian Chamber ofCommerce Board of Directors as well as the Canadian Ukrainian Chamber ofCommerce. Also, she is a previous Chair of the Ukrainian Care Center Board anda member of the Alliance Hospice Board and is currently a member of the IvanFranko Home Board.  

Previously, Lesia worked at the Ministry of Health inOntario as the Associate Director within the Drug Programs Branch where she leda number of clinical initiatives and a process redesign effort that included interfaceswith key Ministry stakeholders such as the OMA, OPA and the industry. In 1995,Lesia served as a Health Advisor with the Canadian International DevelopmentAgency (CIDA), where her work focused on assisting Eastern Europeanuniversities to revise their pharmacy curriculum to be more clinicallyoriented. During that time she served as the Medical lead for the Help Us Helpthe Children Project.

Lesia holds a B.Sc.Pharm. from the University of Toronto, aPharm.D. from Wayne State University, and an M.B.A. from the University ofWestern Ontario.  She is a 2018 graduate of the Rotman School of BusinessDirectors Education Program (DEP) and has secured the ICD.D designation.  Lesia is married, lives in Toronto, and has onedaughter, two stepdaughters, 4 grandchildren and 2 very active dogs.
